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>> Scientific Divisions > Laboratory of Quantum Photonics > Team

Institute of Applied Physics
5 Academiei str.
Chisinau, MD-2028
MOLDOVA (Rep. of)
phone: +(373) 22 738150
fax: +(373) 22 738149
email: [javascript protected email address]

Laboratory of Quantum Photonics

Head of laboratory:

    assoc. prof., Dr.Sci. Mihai Macovei
    cab. 209
    phone : + (373) 22 738032
    fax : + (373) 22 738149
    email : [javascript protected email address]


Fields of activity:

Theoretical study of quantum technologies:

  • quantum optomechanic / nanomechanic nano-rezonators systems interacting with electric / magnetic / electromagnetic fields,
  • systems of artificial atoms (quantum dots, quantum wells, quantum circuits etc.) interacting with acoustic and / or electromagnetic fields and / or phonons; interactions, coherences or interference of these particles etc.;
  • quantum dissipation and their manipulation; photon-photon, phonon-phonon, photon-phonon and / or qubit-photon-phonon-mechanical_nanorezonator quantum correlations and entanglement states;
  • photonic crystals, crystals made of photons; photon condensation and manipulation of excitations in quantum atomic lattices, biomaterials and optical / optomechanical / nanomechanical micro-cavities;
  • quantum thermodynamics.

Laboratory staff:

Igor Beloussov
Dr.Sci., prof. 
Principal scientific researcher
cab.: 224
phone: +(373) 22 738084
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/ibeloussov
Profirie Bardetski
Ph.D., assoc. prof. 
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 220
phone: +(373) 22 739805
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/pbardetski
Mircea Baznat
Ph.D., assoc. prof. 
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 439
phone: +(373) 22 738030
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/mbaznat
Sergiu Carlig
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 220
phone: +(373) 22 739805
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/scarlig
Victor Ceban
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 221
phone: +(373) 22 739805
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/vceban
Corneliu Gherman
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 220
phone: +(373) 22 739805
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/cgherman
Irina Cebotari
Senior scientific researcher
cab.: 208
phone: +(373) 22 738030
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/icebotari
Elena Cecoi
Scientific researcher
cab.: 221
phone: +(373) 22 739805
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/ececoi
Viorel Ciornea
Scientific researcher
cab.: 221
phone: +(373) 22 7239805
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/vciornea
Alexandr Cudreasov
Scientific researcher
cab.: 221
phone: +(373) 22 739805
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/acudreasov
Arthur Rotari
Stagiar scientific researcher
cab.: 221
phone: +(373) 22 739805
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/arotari


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