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>> About IAP > Scientific collaboration

Institute of Applied Physics
5 Academiei str.
Chisinau, MD-2028
MOLDOVA (Rep. of)
phone: +(373) 22 738150
fax: +(373) 22 738149
email: [javascript protected email address]

National and international collaborations

In its research and development activity, IAP pays special attention to collaboration both nationally and internationally. IAP regularly collaborates with colleagues from research institutes and universities around the world in carrying out bilateral and multilateral research projects and agreements, publishing joint scientific results, patenting inventions, technology transfers, organizing and participating in scientific conferences and seminars, delegations and internships at various established scientific centers. Our view is that this collaboration can benefit both the interests of scientists and engineers, as well as benefit the national economy.

Any questions and proposals regarding national and international cooperation should be addressed to the IAP Scientific Secretary:

  • Ion Cojocaru, Ph.D.
    room 230
    phone: + (373) 22 723252
    fax: + (373) 22 738149
    email: [javascript protected email address]

Code Title type Duration Head
AERONET NASA/GFSC 618, USA Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) International project, Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) NASA/GFSC (USA) code 618 2021 - 2030 Alexandr Aculinin, Ph.D.
ANCD 24.80013.5007.3TR Boosting the scientific and innovative capacity of bilateral consortium to advance the polarization sensitive DHM with singular structured illumination for biomedical applications (SI-PDHM) Bilateral international project within the Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreement between the Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and the National Agency for Research and Development of the Republic of Moldova 2024 - 2025 dr. hab. Elena Achimova

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