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>> Scientific Divisions > Laboratory of Physics of Semiconductor Compounds "Sergiu Rădăuțan" > Team

Institute of Applied Physics
5 Academiei str.
Chisinau, MD-2028
MOLDOVA (Rep. of)
phone: +(373) 22 738150
fax: +(373) 22 738149
email: [javascript protected email address]

Laboratory of Physics of Semiconductor Compounds "Sergiu Radauțan"

Laboratory of Physics of Semiconductor Compăounds was founded in 2013 and is named after a famous physicist Sergiu Radautsan.

Head of laboratory:

    acad. ASM, prof., Dr.Sci. Leonid Kulyuk
    cab. 240
    phone : + (373) 22 731055
    fax : + (373) 22 738149
    email : [javascript protected email address]


Research area:

- elaboration of the technology of obtaining of ternary and multinary compounds. Experimental and theoretical studies of the physics and physical chemistry of the obtained compounds as well as of the magnetic, optical and luminescent properties;
- elaboration of switches with special functional properties on the basis of obtained new materials;
- experimental and theoretical studies in the field of obtaining thin semiconductor films , elaboration of multifunctional electronic ,optoelectronic and photonic devices on their basis , elaboration of advanced technologies.


Laboratory staff:

Sofia Klokishner
Dr.Sci., prof. 
Principal scientific researcher
cab.: 211
phone: +(373) 22 738604
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/sklokishner
Serghei Ostrovsky
Dr.Sci., assoc. prof. 
Principal scientific researcher
cab.: 211
phone: +(373) 22 738604
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/sostrovsky
Vladimir Tsurkan
Dr.Sci., assoc. prof. 
Principal scientific researcher
cab.: 201
phone: +(373) 22 738171
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/vtsurkan
Dorina Croitori
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 206
phone: +(373) 22 738171
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/dcroitori
Irina Filippova
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 206
phone: +(373) 22 738171
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/ifilippova
Olga Kulikova
Ph.D., assoc. prof. 
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 137
phone: +(373) 22 739513
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/okulikova
Mihail Nazarov
Ph.D., assoc. prof. 
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 111
phone: +(373) 22 739513
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/mnazarov
Oleg Reu
Ph.D., assoc. prof. 
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 211
phone: +(373) 22 738604
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/oreu
Marianna Roman
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 239
phone: +(373) 22 738129
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/mroman
Nikita Siminel
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 138
phone: +(373) 22 739513
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/nsiminel
Anatolii Siminel
Ph.D., assoc. prof. 
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 138
phone: +(373) 22 739513
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/asiminel
Lilian Prodan
Senior scientific researcher
cab.: 206
phone: +(373) 22 738171
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/lprodan
Vladimir Goremichin
Scientific researcher
cab.: 100
phone: +(373) 22 735534
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/vgoremichin
Renata Lascova-Baciu
Scientific researcher
cab.: 137
phone: +(373) 22 737186
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/rlascova
Alexandru Micu
Scientific researcher
cab.: 111
phone: +(373) 22 737186
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/amicu
Vladimir Pavlenco
Scientific researcher
cab.: 007
phone: +(373) 22 738084
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/vpavlenco
Constantin Slobodeniuc
Scientific researcher
phone: +(373) 22 
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/cslobodeniuc
Alexandru Hustuc
Stagiar scientific researcher
cab.: 022
phone: +(373) 22 
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/ahustuc


Ph.D. / Ms. Sci. Students:

Alexandru Micu
Ph.D. student
cab.: 111
phone: +(373) 22 737186
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/amicu


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