Institute of Applied Physics
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MOLDOVA (Rep. of)
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Viorel Ciornea's personal page
- First name: Viorel
- Last name: Ciornea
- Degree: Ph.D.
- Title: no title
- Position/division: Scientific researcher / Laboratory of Quantum Photonics
- Office: 221
- phone : + (373) 22 7239805
- fax : + (373) 22 738149
- email: [javascript protected email address]
- Corresponding address :
Viorel Ciornea, off. 221, Laboratory of Quantum Photonics, Institute of Applied Physics, 5 Academiei str., Chisinau, MD-2028, MOLDOVA (Rep. of)
- Ciornea, V.; Bardetski, P.; Macovei, M. Phase dependence of the unnormalized second-order photon correlation function. J Exp Theor Phys. 2016, 123(4), 582 - 586. Doi: 10.1134/S1063776116110066 (IF: 0,953).
- Ciornea, V.; Bardetski, P.; Macovei, M.A. Cavity Field Suppression via Interference Effects. În: IFMBE Proceedings. V. 55. Springer Science + Business Media, Singapore, 2016. 3rd Internatiuonal Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering. ICNBME-2015, September 23-26, 2015, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, p. 127 - 130. Doi: 10.1007/978-981-287-736-9_30.
- Ciornea, V.; Bardetski, P.; Macovei, M.A. Time-dependent highly correlated photons. Opt Commun. 2015, 343, 121 - 123. Doi: 10.1016/j.optcom.2015.01.023 (IF: 1,449).
- Ciornea, V.; Macovei, M.A. Cavity-output-field control via interference effects. Phys Rev A. 2014, 90, 043837-1 - 043837-4. Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.043837 (IF: 2,991).
- Ciornea, V.; Bardetski, P; Macovei, M.A. Detuning-Dependent Dynamics of Microcavity Photon-Statistics. Rom Rep Phys. 2013, 65(3), 1006 - 1011 (IF: 1,123).
- Ciornea, V.; Bardetski, P; Macovei, M.A. Enhanced photon correlations due to strong laser-atom-cavity coupling. Phys Rev A. 2013, 88, 023851-1 - 023851-6. Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.88.023851 (IF: 3,042).
- Xie, X-T.; Ciornea, V; Macovei, M.A. Two-Photon Quantum Dynamics in a Nonlinear Micromaser. P Romanian Acad A. 2013, 14(1), 48 - 55 (IF: 0,537).