Institute of Applied Physics
5 Academiei str.
Chisinau, MD-2028
MOLDOVA (Rep. of)
phone: +(373) 22 738150
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Laboratory of Optoelectronics "Andrei Andriesh"
Head of laboratory:
Ph.D. Ion Cojocaru
cab. 248a
phone : + (373) 22 738087 fax : + (373) 22 738149 email : [javascript protected email address]

Areas of activity
- Production technology and optical spectroscopy of chalcogenide glasses, optical fibers, amorphous layers including metallic impurities doped with rare earth elements, polymer nanocomposite materials coordinated with lanthanides.
- Study of electrical, optical, photoelectrical, luminescence and photoinduced phenomena in non-crystalline semiconductors and optical fibers.
- Theoretical study of the electronic and vibrational dynamics in quantum small systems (nanostructures) and quantum molecular systems under the action of external fields (electric, magnetic, high-intensity laser radiation).
- Elaboration of photonic and optoelectronic devices (photocells; recording media; gas, microdeformation, temperature, IR and ionizing radiation detectors).
The laboratory possesses a range of performant/unique equipment and facilities, some of which are also available to non-IFA researchers. E.g:
- Verlan, V.; Culeac, I.; Ghenea, V.; Bordian, O.; Zubareva, V.; Bulhac, I.; Cojocaru, I.; Enachescu, M.- -Photoluminescence and thermo-stability of polymer composite nanomaterial [Eu(μ2-OC2H5)(btfa)(NO3)(phen)]2·phen/PEPC. Rom Rep Phys. 2024, 76(4), 509-1—509-14. Doi: 10.59277/RomRepPhys.2024.76.509 (IF: 2,1).
- Ghenea, V.; Culeac, I.; Buzdugan, A. Eu3+ as a luminescent probe for local site symmetry in Eu(III) coordination compounds. Journal of Engineering Science. 2024, 31(2), 28—38. Doi:10.52326/jes.utm.2024.31(2).03.
- Culeac, I.; Verlan, V.; Bordian, O.; Melnic, E.; Podgornii, D.; Bulhac, I.; Cojocaru, I.; Moise, C.; Ghenea, V.; Siminel, A.; Enachescu, M. Structure and Photoluminescence Properties of Coordination Compound [Eu2(o-MBA)6(phen)2] with High Quantum Yield. J Lumin. 2024, 276, 120854-1—120854-9. Doi: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2024.120854 (IF: 3,6).
- Ialtychenko, O.; Gorinchoy, N.; Duca, Gh. Modelarea răspunsului imun la o sarcină virală: model minimal. În: Procese redox cu transfer de electroni și protoni . Ed. Duca, Gh, Bolocan, N., Chișinău: Editura USM, 2024. 123—134 p. ISBN 978-9975-62-658-3.
- Khakhomov, S.; Semchenko, A.; Gaishun, V.; Kovalenko, D.; Maevsky, A.A.; Danilchenko, K.D.; Malyutina-Bronskaya, V.; Yuldashev, S.U.; Verlan, V. ITO-Based Sol-Gel Layers Containing Rare Earth Complexes for Solar Cells and Optoelectronics. În: Recent Advances in Technology Research and Education. Inter-Academia 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 939. Eds. Ono, Y., Kondoh, J.,: Springer, Cham., 2024. 273—279 p. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-54450-7_31.
Brevete de invenție (Patents)
- Culeac, I.; Enachescu, M.; Borșciov, V.; Verlan, V.; Cojocaru, I.; Iovu, M.; Jderu, A.-A.; Dorobantu, D. Sistem și procedeu de pază bazate pe tehnologia cu fibră optică, cu localizarea intervenției neautorizate în sistemul de pază. Brevet de Invenție nr. RO 133682 B1 din 28.06.2024.
- Yaltychenko, O.; Gorinchoy, N.; Duka, Gh. The Immune Response Modeling to a Viral Load: A Minimal Model. În: Fundamental and Biomedical Aspects of Redox Processes. Ed(s): Duka Gh., Vaseashta, A. Hershey: IGI Global, 2023. 302—314 p. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7198-2.ch013.
- Kanarovskii, E.; Yaltychenko, O. Synergy Effect of Ascorbic Acid and α-Tocopherol in Kinetic Model of Lipid Peroxidation. În: IFMBE Proceedings, vol 91. Springer, Cham. Volume 2: Biomedical Engineering and New Technologies for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Rehabilitation. 6th International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, September 20–23, 2023, Chisinau, Moldova , p. 326—332. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-42782-4_35.
- Iaseniuc, O.; Iovu, M. Micro-Raman Analysis of Some As-S-S-Te Nanostructured Semiconductors. În: IFMBE Proceedings, vol 91. Springer, Cham. Volume 1: Nanotechnologies and Nano-biomaterials for Applications in Medicine. 6th International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, September 20–23, 2023, Chisinau, Moldova , p. 147—155. ISBN: 978-3-031-42774-9. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-42775-6_16.
Iaseniuc, O.V.; Iovu, M.S. Steady-state and transient photocurrents of As-S-Sb-Te amorphous thin films. Chalcogenide Lett. 2023, 20(10), 725—731. Doi: 10.15251/CL.2023.2010.725 (IF: 1).
Kanarovskii, E.Yu.; Yaltychenko, O.V. onsideration of the Synergy of Vitamins E and C in the Kinetic Model of Lipid Peroxidation. Surf Eng Appl Elect. 2023, 59(4), 473—478. Doi: 10.3103/S1068375523040038.
- Iovu, M.; Culeac, I.; Verlan, V.; Bordian, O.; Enachescu, M.; Popescu, A.A.; Savastru, D.; Lazar, A. Synthesis and optical properties of the glassy compound As0.63S2.70Sb1.37Te0.30. Chalcogenide Lett. 2023, 20(5), 387—392. Doi: 10.15251/CL.2023.205.387 (IF: 0,855).
- Nastas, A.M.; Iovu, M.S.; Prisacar, A.M.; Triduh, G.M.; Prilepov, V.D.; Tolstik, A.L.; Stashkevich, I.V. Influence of the corona discharge on the formation of the diffractive holographic gratings in the As40S60−xSex films. Tech Phys. 2023, 68(5), 651—655. Doi: 10.21883/TP.2023.05.56072.285-22 (IF: 0,642).
- Настас, А.М.; Иову, М.С.; Присакар, А.М.; Тридух, Г.М.; Прилепов, В.Д.; Толстик, А.Л.; Сташкевич, И.В. Влияние поля коронного разряда на формирование голографических дифракционных решеток в пленках As40S60−xSex. Журнал технической физики. 2023, 93(5), 696—701. Doi: 10.21883/JTF.2023.05.55465.285-22.
- Sergeev, S.A.; Robu, S.V.; Meshalkin, A.Yu.; Iovu, M.S. Stabilization of Diffraction Gratings Recorded in Poly-N-Epoxypropylcarbazole Films Doped with Iodoform. High Energ Chem. 2023, 57(3), 265—269. Doi: 10.1134/S0018143923030128 (IF: 0,842).
Сергеев, С.А.; Робу, С.В.; Мешалкин, А.Ю.; Йову, М.С. Стабилизация дифракционных решеток, записанных в пленках поли-N-эпоксипропилкарбазола с добавкой йодоформа. Химия высоких энергий. 2023, 57(3), 224—229. Doi: 10.31857/S0023119323030129.
- Verlan, V.I.; Culeac, I.P.; Bordian, O.; Iovu, M.S.; Bulhac, A.I.; Zubareva, V.E.; Semchenko, A. Pholuminescence properties of new dinuclear [Eu(µ2-OC2H5)(bfta)(NO3)(phen)]2phen and mononuclear Eu(TTA)3(Ph3PO)2 complexes. În: Proc. SPIE, Vol. 12493. Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies XI, 2022, Constanta, Romania, p. 1249305-1—1249305-5 . Doi: 10.1117/12.2644859.
- Гайшун, В.Е.; Семченко, А.В.; Верлан, В.; Коваленко, Д.Л.; Васькевич, В.В.; Тюленкова, О.И.; Данильченко, К.Д.; Маевский, А.А.; Юлдашев, Ш.У. Нанокомпозитные материалы, содержащие комплексы редкоземельных элементов, для применения в солнечной энергетике. Проблемы физики, математики и техники. 2023, 4(57), 7—13. Doi: 10.54341/20778708_2023_4_57_7.
- Хахомов, С.А.; Семченко, А.В.; Гайшун, В.Е.; Коваленко, Д.Л.; Васькевич, В.В.; Данильченко, К.Д.; Маевский, А.А.; Малютина-Бронская, В.В.; Юлдашев, Ш.У.; Верлан, В. Низкотемпературные процессы формирования нанокомпозитных пленок для оптоэлектроники. Проблемы физики, математики и техники. 2023, 4(57), 48—52. Doi: 10.54341/20778708_2023_4_57_48.
- Iovu, M.; Verlan, V.; Bordian, O.; Enachescu, M.; Popescu, A.; Savastru, D.; Enache, L.-B.; Rosoiu, S.; Bardeanu, M.; Lazar, O.A.; Mihai, G. Synthesis of glassy composite As0.63S2.70Sb1.37Te0.30 and its physical properties. Optoelectron Adv Mat - RC. 2022, 16(11-12), 538—544 (IF: 0,556).
- Iaseniuc, O.; Iovu, M.; Rosoiu, S.; Bardeanu, M.; Enache, L.-B.; Mihai, G.; Bordianu, O.; Verlan, V.; Culeac, I.; Cojocaru, I.; Enachescu, M. Structural analysis of As-S-Sb-Te polycrystalline nanostructured semiconductors. Chalcogenide Lett. 2022, 19(11), 841—846. Doi: 10.15251/CL.2022.1911.841 (IF: 0,855).
- Канаровский, Е.Ю.; Иалтыченко, О.В. Учёт синергии витаминов E и C в кинетической модели перекисного окисления липидов. Электронная обработка материалов. 2022, 58(5), 44—50. Doi: 10.52577/eom.2022.58.5.44.
- Hajdeu-Chicarosh, E.; Levcenko, S.; Sernac, R.; Bodnar, I.V.; Victorov, I.A.; Iaseniuc, O.; Caballero, R.; Manuel Merino, J.; Arushanov, E.; León, M. Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of Cu2Zn(GexSi1-x)Se4 bulk poly-crystals. Solid State Sci. 2022, 132, 106982. Doi: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2022.106982 (IF: 3,752).
- Culeac, I.P.; Verlan, V.I.; Bordian, O.T.; Zubareva, V.E.; Iovu, M.S.; Bulhac, I.I.; Siminel, N.A.; Siminel, A.V.; Mihai, G.; Enachescu, M. Synthesis and Characterization of Coordination Compound [Eu(µ2-OC2H5)(btfa)(NO3)(phen)]2phen with High Luminescence Efficiency. Nanomaterials. 2022, 12(16), 2788-1—2788-14. Doi: 10.3390/nano12162788 (IF: 5,719).
- Iaseniuc, O.; Iovu, M. Characterization of some optical and physical properties of As11.2S48.0Sb28.8Te12.0 and As20.8S48.0Sb19.2Te12.0 nanostructured polycrystalline semiconductors. Chalcogenide Lett. 2022, 19(2), 117—124 (IF: 0,885).
- Iaseniuc, O.V.; Iovu, M.S. Structural Characterization of Some As-S-Sb-Te Nanostructured Materials. În: ICNBME 2021, IFMBE Proceedings 87, 2022. 5th International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, November 3–5, 2021, Chisinau, Moldova, p. 77—83 . Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-92328-0_11.
- Bordian, O.; Verlan, V.; Iovu, M.; Culeac, I.; Zubareva, V.; Enachescu, M.; Bojin, D.; Siminel, A. Photoluminescence Properties of Eu(TTA)3(Ph3PO)2. În: ICNBME 2021, IFMBE Proceedings 87, 2022. 5th International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, November 3–5, 2021, Chisinau, Moldova, p. 84—91 . Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-92328-0_12.
- Iaseniuc, O. Transient photocurrent behavior in amorphous thin film heterostructures. Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences. 2021, 20(2), 163—169. Doi: 10.53081/mjps.2021.20-2.07.
- Nastas, А.M.; Iovu, М.S.; Agishev, I.N.; Gavrusenok, I.V.; Melnikova, Е.А.; Stashkevitch, I.V.; Tolstik, А.L. Formation of holographic diffraction gratings in thin films of chalcogenide glassy semiconductors. J Belarus State Univ Physics. 2021, 3, 4—11. Doi: 10.33581/2520-2243-2021-3-4-11.
- Iaseniuc, O.V.; Iovu, M.S.; Pantazi, C.; Lazar, O.A.; Moise, C.C.; Enachescu, M. Assessing the structural properties of GexAsxSe1-2x chalcogenide systems through cross-correlated STEM, XRD and micro-Raman studies. Optoelectron Adv Mat - RC. 2021, 15(9-10), 498—503 (IF: 0,441).
- Iovu, M.S.; Verlan, V.I.; Culeac, I.P.; Bordian, O.; Zubareva, V.E.; Bulhac, I.; Enachescu, M.; Siminel, N.A.; Siminel, A.V. Coordination complex [Eu(μ2-OC2H5)(btfa)(NO3) (phen)]2.phen with high luminescent efficiency. Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences. 2021, 20(1), 73—83. Doi: 10.53081/mjps.2021.20-1.06.
- Sergeev, S.A.; Meshalkin, A.Y.; Iovu, M.S. Diffraction Structures Formed by Two Crossed Superimposed Diffraction Gratings. Surf Eng Appl Elect. 2021, 57(2), 207—216. Doi: 10.3103/S1068375521020095.
- Iaseniuc, O.V.; Iovu, M.S. Photoconductivity spectra of amorphous multilayer structures . În: Proceedings SPIE Vol. 11718 (31 December 2020). Conferemce ”Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies X”, 20-23 August 2020, România, p. 117180X. Doi: 10.1117/12.2571100.
- Bordian, O.; Verlan, V.; Culeac, I.; Bulhac, I.; Zubarev, V. Managing the luminescence efficiency of the organic compounds of europium(III) through preparation technology . În: Proceedings SPIE Vol. 11718 (31 December 2020). Conferemce ”Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies X”, 20-23 August 2020, România, p. 1171817. Doi: 10.1117/12.2571186.
- Сергеев, С.А.; Мешалкин, А.Ю.; Йову, М.С. Дифракционные структуры, сформированные двумя скрещенными наложенными дифракционными решетками. Электронная обработка материалов. 2020, 56(6), 51—60. Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4299754.
- Sinyavskii, E.P.; Sokovnich, S.M. Optical Properties of Doped Nanowires in External Electric and Magnetic Fields. Opt Spectrosc. 2020, 128(11), 1885—1891. Doi: 10.1134/S0030400X20110259 (IF: 0,748).
- Iaseniuc, O.; Iovu, M. Absorption and photoconductivity spectra of amorphous multilayer structures. Beilstein J Nanotech. 2020, 11, 1757—1763. Doi: 10.3762/bjnano.11.158 (IF: 2,612).
- Iaseniuc, O.; Iovu, M. Photoconductivity of chalcogenide thin film heterostructures. P Romanian Acad A. 2020, 21(3), 231—235 (IF: 1,294).
- Nastas, A.M.; Iovu, M.S.; Tolstik, A.L. Effect of Corona Discharge on the Optical Properties of Thin-Film Cu–As2Se3 Structures. Opt Spectrosc. 2020, 128(2), 231—235. Doi: 10.1134/S0030400X20020174 (IF: 0,801).
- Popescu, A.A.; Savastru, D.; Baschir, L.; Verlan, V.V.; Bordian, O.; Stafe, M.; Puscas, N. Surface plasmon resonance in As2Se3 planar waveguides for the IR spectral region. Chalcogenide Lett. 2020, 17(3), 117—122. (IF: 0,977).
- Nastas, A.; Iaseniuc, O.; Iovu, M. Influence of corona discharge on photoinduced modification of optical characteristic of Cu–As2Se3 thin film structures. Chalcogenide Lett. 2020, 17(1), 15—18 (IF: 0,977).
- Sergeev, S.A.; Iovu, M.S.; Meshalkin, A.Yu. Superimposed equally oriented diffraction gratings formed in As2S3 films. Chalcogenide Lett. 2020, 17(1), 25—31 (IF: 0,977).
- Zalamai, V.V.; Tiron, A.V.; Iovu, M.S.; Syrbu, N.N. Optical Activity in Mn Doped As2S3 Glasses. În: IFMBE Proceedings, V. 77, Springer, 2020, p. 79—82. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-31866-6_17.
- Verlan, V.I.; Culeac, I.P.; Bordian, O.; Zubareva, V.E.; Bulhac, I.; Iovu, M.S.; Enachescu, M.; Siminel, N.A.; Nedelea, V.V. Luminescence Properties of a Novel Eu3+ Dinuclear Coordination Compound. În: IFMBE Proceedings, V. 77, Springer, 2020, p. 161—165. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-31866-6_33.
- Kanarovskii, E.Yu.; Yaltychenko, O.V.; Gorinchoy, N.N. Theoretical Model of Lipid Peroxidation Kinetics for Complexes of Cytochrome c and Cardiolipin with Participation of Antioxidants. În: IFMBE Proceedings, V. 77, Springer, 2020, p. 561—563. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-31866-6_100.
- Kanarovskii, E.Yu.; Yaltychenko, O.V. Influence of Polarization on Electron Localization in the Coated Tetramer Nanoclusters Used as Elements of Biorecognition Systems. În: IFMBE Proceedings, V. 77, Springer, 2020, p. 573—577. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-31866-6_102.
Brevete de invenție/Patents
Zubareva, V.; Bulhac, I.; Bordian, O.; Verlan, V.; Culeac, I.; Enachescu, M.; Moise, C.C. Compus coordinativ dinuclear al europiului(III) cu liganzi micști, care manifestă proprietăți luminescente. Brevet de Invenție nr. MD 4677 B1 2020.02.29.
Sinyavskii, E.P.; Kostyukevich, N.S. Influence of Electric and Magnetic Fields on Interband Luminescence in Semiconductor Quantum Wires. Opt Spectrosc. 2019, 127(5), 901—906. Doi 10.1134/S0030400X19110249 (IF: 0,801).
Nastas, A. Stability of Thin-Film Cu–As2S3 and Ag–As2S3 Structures. Tech Phys. 2019, 64(8), 1254—1258. Doi: 10.1134/S1063784219080152 (IF: 0,707).
- Syrbu, N.; Zalamai, V.; Culeac, I.; Iovu, M.; Tiron, A.V.; Beril, S.I.; Stamov, I.G. Optical activity induced by rare-earth ions in As2S3 glasses and KCl crystals. Opt Laser Technol. 2019, 114, 216—223. Doi: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2019.02.008 (IF: 2,503).
Brevete de invenție/Patents
- Culeac, I.; Enăchescu, M.; Borsciov, V.; Verlan, V.; Cojocaru, I.; Iovu, M.; Jderu, A.-A.; Dorobanțu, D. Sistem de semnalizare cu fibră optică și procedeu de localizare a intervenției neautorizate cu ajutorul acestuia. Brevet de Invenție nr. MD 1308 Z 219.08.31.
- Nastas, A. Procedeu de înregistrare a hologramelor optice și a imaginilor raster. Brevet de Invenție nr. MD 1262 Z 2019.01.31.
- Iaseniuc, O.V.; Iovu, M.S.; Ghiulnare, A.; Mesterca, R.; Jderu, A.; Enachescu, M. Micro-Raman spectra of Ge–As–Se chalcogenide amorphous powders. Mold J Phys Sci. 2018, 17(3-4), 161—166.
- Bordian, O. Eu3+ photoluminescence in mononuclear coordination compounds with different ligands. Mold J Phys Sci. 2018, 17(3-4), 167—176.
- Iaseniuc, O.V.; Iovu, M.S.; Ghiulnare, A.; Mesterca, R.; Jderu, A.; Enachescu, M. Micro-Raman spectra of the amorphous GexAsxSe1-2x chalcogenide glasses. În: Proc. SPIE 10977, Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies IX (31 December 2018). ATOM-N 2018. The 9th edition of the International Conference "Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies", 23 - 26 August 2018, Constanta, Romania, p. 109770K-1—109770K-6. Doi: 10.1117/12.2323655.
- Bordian, O.; Verlan, V.; Culeac, I.; Iovu, M.; Bulhac, I., Zubarev, V. Synthesis, absorption and photoluminescence properties of the new coordination compound Eu(DBM)3(Ph3PO)1H2O. În: Proc. SPIE 10977, Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies IX (31 December 2018). ATOM-N 2018. The 9th edition of the International Conference "Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies", 23 - 26 August 2018, Constanta, Romania, p. 109771E-1—109771E-7 . Doi: 10.1117/12.2323761.
- Iaseniuc, O.V.; Iovu, M.S.; Ghiulnare, A.; Mesterca, R.; Jderu, A.; Enachescu, M. Micro-raman spectra of bulk GexAsxSe1-2x chalcogenide glasses. P Romanian Acad A. 2018, 19(4), 545—550 (IF: 1,752).
- Iovu, M.S.; Iaseniuc, O.V. Stationary and transient photocurrents in some amorphous Ge-As-Se thin films. Optoelectron Adv Mat - RC. 2018, 12(9-10), 563—567 (IF: 0,386).
- Iovu, M.S.; Sergeev, S.A.; Iaseniuc, O.V. Electron-beam recording of the diffraction gratings in the (As4S3Se3)1-xSnx amorphous thin films. Optoelectron Adv Mat - RC. 2018, 12(7-8), 377—380 (IF: 0,47).
- Baschir, L.; Opran, C.; Savastru, D.; Miclos, S.; Iovu, M.S.; Popescu, A.A. Ellipsometric investigations of a-As2S3 thin films obtained by RF magnetron sputtering. Chalcogenide Lett. 2018, 15(4), 199—205 (IF: 0,732).
- Stafe, M.; Popescu, A.A.; Savastru, D.; Negutu, C.; Vasile, G.; Mihailescu, M.; Ducariu, A.; Savu, V.; Tenciu, D.; Miclos, S.; Baschir, L.; Verlan, V.V.; Bordian, O.; Puscas, N.N. Optical hysteresis in SPR structures with amorphous As2S3 film under low-power laser irradiation. J Phys D Appl Phys. 2018, 51(12), 125106-1—125106-9. Doi: 10.1088/1361-6463/aaa9cf (IF: 2,588).
- Канаровский, Е.Ю.; Ялтыченко, О.В.; Горинчой, Н.Н. Кинетика антиоксидантной активности α-токоферола и некоторых его гомологов. Часть 1. Обзор проблемы. Теоретическая модель. Электронная обработка материалов. 2017, 53(5), 48—66. ISSN 0013-5739.
- Iaseniuc, O.; Iovu, M. Steady-State and Transient Photoconductivity of Amorphous (As4S3Se3)1-xSnx Thin Films. Rom J Phys. 2017, 62(9-10), 609. ISSN 1221-146X (IF: 1,758).
- Nastas, A.M.; Iovu, M.S.; Prisakar, A.M.; Tridukh, G.M. Effect of Corona Discharge on Formation of Holographic Diffraction Gratings in the Cu–As2Se3 Thin-Film Structure. Tech Phys. 2017, 62(9), 1403—1406. Doi: 10.1134/S1063784217090195 (IF: 0,569).
- Yaltychenko, O.V.; Kanarovskii, E.Yu. Nonlinear dynamics of electron localization in four-center linear and cyclic type clusters in an external electric field. Surf Eng Appl Elect. 2018, 53(3), 250—257. Doi: 10.3103/S1068375517030152.
- Iaseniuc, O.; Iovu, M. Steady-state photoconductivity of amorphous (As4S3Se3)1-XSnX and GeXAsXSe1-2X thin films. Rom Rep Phys. 2017, 69(3), 505-1—505-11. ISSN 1221-1451 (IF: 1,367).
- Sinyavskii, E.P.; Karapetyan, S.A.; Kostyukevich, N.S. The influence of resonance IR laser radiation on magnetoabsorption in quantum wires. Phys Solid State. 2017, 59(4), 780—783. Doi: 10.1134/S1063783417040278 (IF: 0,831).
- Bordian, O.; Verlan, V.; Culeac, I.; Iovu, M.; Zubareva, V. Photoluminescente properties of Eu(o-MBA)3Phen organic compound embedded in PEPC polymer matrix. J Optoelectron Adv M. 2017, 19(3-4), 223—227. ISSN 1454-4164 (IF: 0,383).
- Laikhtman, A.; Harea, D.; Axelevitch, A.; Meshalkin, A. Photodarkening effect and optical properties of a nanocomposite material polymer/Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles. În: Proc. SPIE 10036. Fourth Conference on Sensors, MEMS, and Electro-Optic Systems, Monuko du Plessis, Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa, September 12, 2016, p. 100360U. Doi: 10.1117/12.2245773.